The Rocks have teamed up with the local food producers and global distributors to offer free entry to all Isthmian premier division home matches for all children up to and including 11 years of age.

The initiative came about through discussions between club officials and Kim Barfoot-Brace, the business’s brand and marketing manager.

Kim said: “We are all about creating sustainability for future generations –sustainability in the farming process but also in the community and we have been inspired by Bognor Regis Town football club being at the heart of the community and always considering the next generation. There is a real synergy between our values and those of the club and so we are delighted at being able to support the initiative.”

Simon Cook, the Bognor general manager, who along with committee members James Rufey and Russ Chandler, said the club were delighted to team up with Barfoots in a bid to encourage more youngsters to cheer on the Rocks.

He said: “We are grateful to Barfoots for entering into this unique partnership and look forward to welcoming lots of children along to Nyewood Lane as the season unfolds. We already have a healthy amount of youngsters who come along on match days and this initiative will hopefully prove invaluable to seeing more and more children come along.”

To take advantage of this exciting promotion, just turn up at a home Isthmian League match. The gate for 11s and under will be clearly marked,

Simon Cook and James Rufey with youngsters who will be admitted free to Nyewood Lane, home of the Rocks, thanks to Barfoots. Pic: Trevor Staff