Two points from the 18 on offer in the past six games means the Rocks are destined for a mid-table finish with the 1-0 reverse at home to Hastings United last Saturday the latest disappointment of the campaign.

A Davide Rodari penalty in the 63rd minute was enough to give the visitors a victory in the Sussex derby at the MKM Arena in a game that the hosts were really unlucky to have not garnered at least a draw.

And Blake has spoken of his frustration at dominating fixtures without having the firepower to turn decent displays in to wins. The Nye Camp gaffer has also opened up about the club’s summer recruitment intentions as he prepares his injury-hit squad for the visit to Carshalton Athletic on Saturday.

Blake said: “In the main I think we have a good season and we want to keep the core of players here and add to the quality we need to make us even stronger.

“We have had a lot of compliments from managers on our style of play and while that is nice you don’t want to be seen as a team that is easy on the eye but can’t get the job done, we need to be more streetwise, more ruthless — and it’s up to us to recruit as well as we possibly can in the summer and make us stronger.

“We have a clear direction of what we want to do and where we want to go. It’s easy to say it but can be difficult to action it and all our efforts will be focused on this objective as we want to be proactive as quick as we can.

“Due to what has happened in the past four or five games, supporters may not consider this season as progress but we are dominating a lot of teams and if we can strengthen in the areas we feel are needed we will dominate and win games I feel.

“We will be trying our hardest I can sure you of that and it’s the least e can do for our magnificent fans who have backed us all the way. Our average home gate is 770 this season and that proves to me that we are on the right track. Our ambition is to build on this and pay back our supporters. That’s the focus now.”