Bognor, who now sit in fourth place, stunned the hosts with a superb display and Holland was the star of Tuesday night’s victory. As well as Holland’s hat-trick, goals from Toby Hewett (2), Ross Wilson, Sammy Schofield and Lennie Smith, sealed the win for the Rocks.

Chandler said: “The standout performer was Tom with the hat-trick. He impressed me with his decision making in the final third with him also getting a few assists. He was excellent.”

Chandler also loaded praise onto the centre half pair Mason Vince and Liam Murphy for their composed performance in the backline. He added: “For the last four or five games, those two have made a big difference in helping us play the way we want to which is a possession-based game. I felt that apart from the two goals, Eastbourne failed to create anything which is a testament to our back line. The goals we conceded were through error, which is bound to happen when we play the way we do. They are only young lads so every now and again, a pass is bound to go awry.”

Not only did Chandler praise the players for the quality of their performance but also heaped praise on David Jordan, the manager, for his tactical nous and his approach to the boys in their transition to under 18s football.

He added: “Dave has been working with them. It’s always difficult when you get a different group of boys each year where it takes a bit of time for them to adjust to the style of play and understand what the manager is asking of them.

“The players are starting to really buy in to Dave’s ideas and therefore their decision-making is better. It’s not just about what we are doing with the ball but the intensity in which we play without it. They have gotten used to how hard you must apply yourself at this level to not only win possession back but also deal with the overall physicality of the game.

“This mentality has increased the cohesion of the group, and as a result, the performances have improved and the results are coming that they deserve. Dave’s approach to the game has increased the fluidity of our team, working hard, keeping the ball and then when out of possession, being direct with our challenging. These boys believe in themselves and in each other and after beating Lewes 3-0 in our previous match, the confidence is flowing.”

Rocks are next in action against Burgess Hill on Thursday 8th February, and Chandler hopes for continued success.

He said: “Burgess Hill and Worthing are arguably the favourites for the league, however I believe that with these recent results against Lewes and Eastbourne, we have solidified ourselves as worthy competitors. We are climbing the table and will give it our all. If we can stay on track, I fancy our chances to be competing at the top of the table or thereabouts, come the end of the season.”